Dr. Mashru: “Good news. Pet scan continues to show no evidence of melanoma recurrence”. Looks like I am done with immunotherapy and with cancer. 🙏✨
This summary is from my PET scan on November 2 taken to look for metabolic hot spots. Those spots would likely be active cancer. The tech injected the radioactive material and I marinated in it for 77 minutes and then the full body scan. The technical summary goes like this: “The previously seen hypermetabolic pulmonary nodules are resolved or markedly decreased. No other metabolic pulmonary nodule is present. The previously seen FDG avid nodule near the gallbladder neck is no longer visualized. There is no abnormal FDG uptake in the abdomen and pelvis.”
When I did the same scan two years ago, it pointed to three hot spots: lungs, brain and gall bladder. That is all gone now.
The bladder cancer was removed surgically two years ago. I had some subsequent difficulty with blader infections but none for more than six months.
The scans taken two years ago show the melanoma in my lungs

and in my brain:

The team needed to determine exactly what kind of melanoma I had so they poked a needle into one of the tiny nodules in my lung. The doctor was a straight shooter and hit it but I developed a pneumothorax, air inside my chest, so I had to give up the final day of co-teaching Providence and Prayer with Todd Miles. But when my computer was delivered to the hospital room, I relieved my boredom by logging into the Zoom link, to the total surprise of the class, and taught from my hospital bed. The picture is inconic!

The immunotherapy treatments began with the combination of Opdivo and Yervoy. But after three infusions, I developed major reaction: My liver distress numbers which should top out at 40 were over 400. I had major muscle weakness and ended up with one eye almost closed, my should/neck muscles unable to hold my head up. So I taped my eyelids open, wore a neck brace and leaned heavily on a walker. I did one all day Boise Cohort class my our family room. After that I traveled to the teaching sites in Portland, San Jose, Costa Mesa and finally to Boise. A friend recently told me he was going to call in sick but remembered me and went to work.
After a three month reversal of the immunotherapy with 80 mg. of Prednisone, I restarted immunotherapy with Opdivo only. I have had minimal side effects. That treatment is finished now. I will be doing monthly blood panels and CT scans at 3-4 month intervals.
I am deeply grateful to the oncology team at Kaiser headed by Dr. Mashru and for an uncountable number of people who prayed and supported me.
Wow wow YES!! This is such amazing news – I’m late to the game but WOW so good. Currently listening to your “Problem of Evil” teaching from the 2021 Biblical Literacy series – and reminded what a gift you are to the Body. So grateful!
Thank you, Bria. What a joy to have traveled with you – and Henry – for the grace journey. A friend, Kathy Crannell, moved over to senior living in Newberg. So I told her to check out Saints Hill of course.
Gerry, This is such wonderful news.
Thank you Lord for Your gracious healing hand in Gerry’s life!
Gerry and Sherry remain in our prayers.
Thank you, Bart. Your prayers are precious indeed
Gerry, I am so thankful that you are better. Yesterday, I read and shared with our men’s group in our study of 2 Cor 1 my experience related to 2 Cor 1: 5-7. Here are those verses:
3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, 4 who comforts us in all our affliction so that we will be able to comfort those who are in [b]any affliction with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. 5 For just as the sufferings of Christ are [c]ours in abundance, so also our comfort is abundant through Christ.
I am thinking that your experience will bring credibility and relatability to those verses for any who are going through chemo or radiation. I also imagine that the Lord will bring those people across your life in unexpected ways.
— Jeff Ginn
Thank you, Jeff for this rich blessing. I receive this
Hallelujah! Thank you, Jesus! I have been praying daily for you, and Sherry, as you have journeyed these past two years. I am grateful for the Lord’s mercy on your life. We want you around for a l long time!
Ben & Janet
Thank you, Ben. It is prayers like yours that make the difference. Thanks for long friendship
So glad you are doing better. We have been out of the loop, but so grateful God has taken good care of you through a great team of people!
In God’s grace and prayers of MANY and the excellent oncology team at Kaiser and the phenomenal develop of immunotherapy, I am cancer free and without any limitations . . . other than being an old man and that’s not a big deal for me at this point. On my way to San Antonion for Evangelical Theological Society
Prayer for you and Jonathan always
Indeed!!! Thank you, Crystal
So appreciate your sharing your life out loud with us, Gerry. Glad to have been part of the army of prayers on your behalf.
I turned 75 this week and celebrated 50 years with Cheryl this year. What a gracious and good God we have.
Teaching in-prison seminary. Doctrine of Scripture this semester and wondering what Dr. Breshears would say if he were here. Loving it minus all the grading.
You help us all to keep the faith. Thank you!
So glad you can work with incarcerated students. It’s an awesome privilege. Are you doing it live in person?
Praise God From Whom all blessings flow.
You, God and the medical team work well together and I’m so glad to hear this great news of your victory over cancer.
Thank you Cori!
We share your joy & gratitude to the Lord & to the competent & compassionate medical team. The Lord has given you incredible grit & resolve, coupled with a indomitable passion to build His Kingdom.
We’re all deeply grateful He’s placed you in our lives & ministries.
Love you friend!
Thank you for your kind words and faithful love Alan. We share deepvalues and passions
So good to hear such amazing news! God hears and answers our prayers. Congratulations!
Thank you Mary. Your prayers are preciuos