The Summit is finished and most of the participants have left. Those going to Congo have a very dangerous journey home so when I saw their team gathered to begin their journey, I spent some time praying with them.
Sunday was at a local church founded by Jumah Patrick, the MTS Africa director and Pastor Cosmos, one of the miracle stories of the MTS program. He had been hurt badly in pastoral ministry, going back into a fully sinful life for many years and got AIDS as a consequence. But Jesus reached him through a gospel message. He joined an MTS trauma healing session. Today has found the wife he abandoned, restored their marriage and is now part of the pastoral team of a church largely made up of people with stories like his. We got to hear some after the four hour church service.
Monday and Tuesday we will be doing a trauma healing training with the staff at the National Rehabilitation Center, which translates into the facility where all juvenile offenders go. It is not a Christian organization, but they have begged MTS to help their staff.
Internet is spotty here and time is very limited. There are more updates here. When I get back to the USA, I will fix the non-functional links in the other posts.
Dear Dr. Gerry Breshears,
I am learning biblical theology through your sessions on
I am not a Christian but I want to be one that is why I am taking the classes. It’s a long story.
I was wondering if you wrote any books that I could purchase that will continue to help me in my quest to know more about Jesus.
Your classes have taught me so much. I want to thank you for taking the time to share God and Jesus. It is so amazing to find someone who doesn’t treat him as a secret.
That’s another long story.
If I could purchase a book perhaps through amazon or that you have written I know that I will continue to receive accurate information needed to complete my mission.
Thank you again.
Ruth Hendricks
U.S. Army
100% service connected
Hi Ruth.
Your message brought happy laughter to me. What a great response to my teaching. There are audio versions of Death by Love (Sherry’s favorite), Vintage Jesus and Doctrine at and probably other sites too. I would be delighted to continue this conversation. You can email me at
Thank you so much Dr. Gerry
I tried several ways to reply to your email, but it bounces no matter what I do. Is there another email address?
This message is for Dr. Breshears. Several years ago I finally became serious about a daily devotion. I began getting up earlier and in the quite and dark of our kitchen I began an attempt to grow closer too and learn more about our God. I stumbled onto Biblical Training and stayed there for a long time, where I met you and many others, taking courses, reading my way through scripture, and I developed a hunger for biblical teaching and history. Time continued on and I somehow stumbled onto The Bible Project. Wow, just the right thing to build onto the knowledge I learned at BT. That is where I first met Tim Mackie and Josh. Just what I was looking for. I watched videos and consumed his messages. I’ve been on that site for going on two years. In a message from 2012, I think, he mentioned two people that had a tremendous impact on his life. You and your daughter. He put your pictures up, and I said, I know him!! Thank you for your influence and mentoring in the life of that teacher. Tim is a tremendously blessed and gifted teacher. Thank you again for seeing something in him and using your gifts to help mold an amazing teacher of Gods word. So, you see a little of my journey and the reason for my contacting you. I think Tim referred to it as Degrees of Separation. May God bless you and your family as well as your ministries.
This is excellent, Jack. Yes, Tim is amazing. What a privileget to have had a hand in equipping, empowering and inspiring him. Bible Project is incredible and a lot more to come!