A big part of the joy of doing these kinds of conferences is meeting amazing people. Attila Nyári is one of those folk. He came up and introduced himself telling me that he is one of the leaders in the church and also is deeply involved with leadership in the Lausanne Movement. We quickly established that we had several mutual friends, small world hitting again. I soon heard of some of the amazing things he is doing. When I heard that Western is one of the seminaries he is looking at for his Master’s Degree, I quickly began figuring out how we could advance the agenda! If God wills!

I was also pleased to see that Portland is represented in the people involved here in Budapest. Cara wore her Powell’s shirt just to prove that she is a Homie!
My morning session was on Work and Rest, a topic very relevant to the bi-vocational ministers that are typical here in Central and Eastern Europe. They mostly get that work is the gracious expression of YHWH’s creative energy in service of others to create shalom, whether it is in the pastorate or missions or anywhere else. Reflecting on how to do Sabbath rhythm when there is so much to be done was fruitful for us all.

I had my last look at the Rákóczi út and Elizabeth Bridge with its beautiful buildings. Our flat is just two blocks to the right.
The day finished at the Curry House where seven of us gathered for food and stories. As Phil and Jeremy shared about the church’s ministry in the European Refugee crisis a couple of years ago, I was astounded first aat the crucial role they play as thousands of refugees and opportunistic immigants with through on their way to Germany. Then I was astounded at how peaceful it was as they were here and how confrontational and dangerous it was in the news accounts. They told how reporters would stage scenes in order to sell their stories. May the Church of Jesus Christ be known for helping helpless people and speaking truth even when it does not sell.
Hello Gerry, Just wanted to say it was a real treat to have you teach at our leadership conference in Budapest. Thank you for helping us think through a few difficult issues. Blessings!
Thanks Matthew. What a joy to be with you all, meet new friends and strategize on how to navigate challenging waters! Hope we can hang out again
Hi Gerry, this is not related to your blog but to your course Spiritual Abuse on BiblicalTraining.com. You said you are part of a church with some pastors leaning toward Arminianism and some strong Calvanists. How does this work in practice. I ask because I attend an Arminian church but adhere to reformed theology. A group some time ago left to form a reformed church.
We are quite open about our differences while strongly affirming the doctrinal statement of the church. We are great friends and various of us who preach speak from our positions when it’s relevant to the topic with acknowledge that this is a place where others on the team disagree. We usually do it with a good bit of humor and respect which the church both enjoys and learns from. The problems come when people make these sorts of things “divide for” rather than “debate for” issues. Sure seems to me that this sort of difference comes in the Gal. 3:28 place to demonstrate unity