The new news is that it looks like the Melanoma has made a new home in my body. I made a video of the journey of discovery to give context to the journey. I will add new ones as we continue the diagnosis and treatment. For those curious ones (like me!) there is a screen shot of the CT scan here.
The bullet points are (1) blood in my urine led to a CT scan that showed a beautiful, but cancerous bush in my bladder. It will come out on Monday afternoon, Oct. 25 and be biopsied; (2) strange stuff in the CT scan prompted a second contrasting CT scan of my lungs that confirmed “multiple bilateral lobular solid pulmonary nodules/masses of varying sizes in all lobes”; (3) a PET scan showed most of my body is “unremarkable” (my new favorite word!) and three “hot spots”: bladder, lungs and gall bladder; (4) an early morning needle biopsy of my lungs will be taken Thursday, Oct. 21; (5) Dr. Corcoran will review results with us Tuesday afternoon, Oct. 26. (6) Hopefully, the biopsies will explain what is perplexing everyone: why do I have three apparently unrelated hot spots in my body?
When I had the Melanoma before, I laid out four principles to guide me: (1) When I go to the past look for lessons, not regrets. It is easy for me to shred myself for what I did/didn’t do; (2) in the present build plans based on what I actually know so I can act wisely and responsibly rather than feeling helpless; (3) the future is where the “what if’s” are. Satan dwells there. Don’t dwell with him; (4) Jesus is in the present, look for Him. Like the bush in Exodus 3, He is easy to miss.
Hello Gerry….just now reading and learning of this for you. Praying for you both. Hugs…
Thank you, Sandra. I receive and return your prayers and hugs.
Gerry, God has been putting you on my heart and now I see why. Thank you for your godly and brave example through cancer and uncertainty. I love you and it is hilarious how you teach from the hospital…only you. Can’t keep you down. I am praying for you. Miss you!
Thank you, Heidi. The follow up from the pneumothorax cancelled my Nov. 9 trip to Boise. Perhaps we could connect when I am there for my Nov. 30 trip
Praying for you Gerry. We to have been walking our own cancer battle recently (Vickie was diagnosed with breast cancer June 1st). We will continually be praying for you.
Ugh! I didn’t know about Vickie. That is tough stuff. Thanks for prayers from shared experience
Kate and I are praying for you. I am beyond grateful for the impact you have had on my life.
Thank you, Tim. It’s time for you and Kate to come celebrate with us!
Hey Gerry! We look forward to doing just that!
The hospital gown caught my attention and I read your post from the 16th and 21st. The 4 points that you shared are so faith focusing. I will most certainly be praying for you and Sherry. Thank you for keeping us updated. I know I haven’t had contact with you in a long time, but you played a shaping role in my faith, I admire you so greatly, and care about you and yours.
Also, interesting fact, my Mom Debi Young has the same doctor as yours. Because you wanted to know that.
Thank you, Andrea. Yes, it is a small world, because it is our Father’s world
Praying for you, Gerry. We appreciate you more than you even know.
I guess I’ll have to take your word for that!!
Love you Gerry! Praying for you!
Thank you, Phils. We pray for each other!
Gerry, praying along with you for complete healing in Jesus name. Loved reading your wisdom in your blog-Jesus is in the present-dwell with Him!
I receive your prayers with joy!!
Thanks for the detailed update Gerry. Keeping you in prayer and trusting Gods best for you.
I really appreciate this, Timothy! Your prayers are a great support
I’ve been thinking of you a lot this week, Gerry. I am praying for you and your family. Thank you for your example.
Thank you, Rhett. Prayers with your context are a great gift.
Dr. Breshears,
I will be praying for you, especially as this next week unfolds.
Thank you, Lloyd. We have a LONG history of supporting each other
Praying for you brother. Love you very much. You are an inspiration.
Thank you, Dan. Holler when the LORD leads you and Dinah out here. I’ll host and buy!
Praying for you, Gerry!
Thank you, Moyer
It’s hard to find the words to express your deep impact on me through your teaching at Western. My heart is heavy that you’re facing a new health challenge but at the same time I am so confident that Jesus is with you in this at every moment. Of course, Greg and I will be praying for you – for the latest challenge and also remembering to thank God for you and your ministry.
Thank you, Mary. Your words and prayers are a treasure to Sherry and me
Praying for you and your family…Armando
Thank you, Armando! I am glad you are a part of my life now
I sent the link with your update to the Bay Area Cohort and we shall be praying for you! You are greatly loved……
Thanks, Dan. Liz Ditty passed it on as well.
Praying for you & Sherry, my friends!
Thank you, Lori! Blessing to you and Ralph